Professional Development Platform
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Welcome to the etf professional development platform

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Click here to watch previous recordings of Industry Workshops that took place during the last academic year. These workshop recordings are available to watch at any time.
ETF Webinar.


Click here to watch previous recordings of Industry Workshops that took place during the 2020-2021 academic year. These workshop recordings are available to watch at any time.
ETF Webinar.

Book on a Group Industry Placement

A Group Industry Placement with an employer will help you to gain knowledge and experience in current industry practice. You can observe industry professionals, undertake tasks, and engage in day-to-day activities as agreed with the employer.

Delivery: Face to face or Online
Remission available
Expenses available for face to face placements only
TLPD Industry Workshops and Placements

Apply for an Individual Industry Placement

An Individual Industry Placement with an employer will help you to gain knowledge and experience in current industry practice. You can observe industry professionals, undertake tasks, and engage in day-to-day activities as agreed with the employer.

Delivery: Face to face
Remission available
TLPD Industry Workshops and Placements

Book on an Industry Workshop

Join our Industry Workshops to hear from employers and update yourself on current industry practice.

Industry Workshops are bite-sized, online sessions where participants can hear the latest sector specific updates or see a demonstration of the latest technology used in a specific industry. They offer insights into current practice and support FE staff to further increase their knowledge of industry. Each workshop will be specific to a T Level route, covering a key component or practice associated with that sector.

Delivery: Online
Remission/Expenses available: No
TLPD Industry Workshops and Placements

Employer Partnerships and Industry Insights (TLPD13)

This course will help you to build effective partnerships and maximise employer support to help bring T Levels to life for your learners.

Delivery: e-Learning
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